purpose Tag


My sister-in-law, Kenda, passed away almost 22 years ago now. It doesn’t seem like it could possibly be that long since we have been together. It would have been about this time of year that I would have done her income tax for her after her husband died. And she would have been flummoxed because she was so uncomfortable having people do things for her, in her mind it was to be the other way around. I woke up this morning...

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Pine Tree Ministries What is My Purpose Blog

What is My Purpose?

I believe that is a question that God expects us to ask and answer. I have some friends who have spent their life driven to reach certain goals that they believe God has called them to. I also know some folk that seem to drift through life as a cork on a lake, never really imagining that the Lord has called them to anything more than getting from birth to death as easily as possible.