God Tag

The Thorn’s Gift

There are certain writers whose writings I am drawn to: Philip Yancey, Elisabeth Elliot and Joni Eareckson Tada seem always to speak to my inner me. As I write these words, I have hundreds of books within my reach but the ones that I reread are written by those authors. They share a common message; the author has gone through difficult times. They have wrestled with the pain caused by those trials.  They have wrestled with the promises of God—and...

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The Gift no one wants—really!

I write about grief often; it is what seems to be in the ink of my pen as it touches paper. I begin to write with some other theme in mind…and before too long I am writing about grief, and heartache, and loss. But in writing about the trials of life, I must also write about the faithfulness of God who always keeps His promises to care for His children. Just as I believe that this life may be full of...

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Safe in the Arms

My verse, my only verse, in the depths of my black years was Deuteronomy 33:27 “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” I know that is not the whole verse, but I always tell people, half jokingly, that I wasn’t strong enough to handle a whole verse, a half of a verse was my limit. My prayer to the Lord at that time was that even if I could not feel those arms that He would...

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Too Hard for God?

"I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me? Jeremiah 32:27 Is anything too hard for the LORD? I will return to you at the appointed time next year, and Sarah will have a son." Genesis 18:14 "Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you." Jeremiah 32:17 If I were in front of a room of 32 Christians and asked each...

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